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July 29, 2005

Boring knitting updates! ;)

The Fair Isle Hat grows, and grows, and grows. But doesn't end!


I'm now up to Row 126, which means I only have 65 or so rows to go. Only. At least the rows are getting smaller!

The cropped cardi.


I've got all the bits on the needles now, and I can start the neck and raglan shaping. I've fudged the number, because I wanted a deeper v-neck. If you could see my maths, you'd laugh hysterically, so it will be an adventure to see how it comes out. Adventure. My life needs some excitement ;)

Branching Out.


I haven't shown it in a while, because I've been neglecting it. Oops. Here's a close up.


It needs to be finished and blocked. Must work more on the scarf!

I've been tagged for another meme. Annie at Ruby Girl tagged me for this one. I'm going to meet Annie and some of the other ANZKR webring girls tomorrow at Wollongong SnB. Hooray!
I didn't answer them all, because I couldn't think of some responses.

10 years ago:
Em was a toddler, I was a working mother, realising that there were some pretty serious problems in my marriage.

5 years ago:
I was a single mother, Em was in school, I was still working, hanging out for my long service leave so that I could quit my job. DH had just moved in with us.

1 year ago:
Hmm.. things were pretty much as they are now. DH was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease 2.5 years ago, a year ago he was a year out from his treatment and in remission, and things were starting to go back to "normal".

Went down the street, made a vain attempt at catching up on housework, did some costume sewing, a little knitting, homework and dance practice with Em, dance lessons later in the evening, caught up on some email, tried to knit again.

Em was running late for school, did the grocery shopping, stopped at Mum's house, went to the Post Office and the chemist, did some washing, played with Twinky, tried to do more housework, just had some lunch, it's now 1.45pm. Still have to pick Em up from school, more dance lessons, organise a meal for dinner, more sewing waiting, hope to knit a bit.

Stitch n Bitch Wollongong. Yay!
Oh, and housework, more washing, Mass at 6pm, same old, same old.

5 snacks I enjoy: Chocolate, potato chips, chocolate, tim tams, chocolate.

5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs:
INXS, Duran Duran, Kasey Chambers, most music from the 80's. Hilary bloody Duff. Em has played it, and played it and played it.

5 Things I would do with $100,000,000
Buy a house. Buy my Mum a house. Buy a new car. Go on a holiday to the US and buy lots and lots of yarn. Stop sewing costumes for the dance school.

5 locations I'd like to run away to:
Manitoba. Cold, but they have Polar Bears! Hawaii? I've never been out of the country. Hell, I hadn't been out of the state until around 6 years ago.

5 things I like doing:
knitting, sewing (sometimes), eating, sleeping, singing. (Badly)

5 things I would never wear:
Mini skirts (those days are gone!), low, low rise pants (you know the ones - you need a bikini wax to wear your *jeans*!), hotpants, tights, midriff tops.

That's plenty of meme's for now, you people know too many of my quirks ;)

Posted by Donna at July 29, 2005 02:55 PM


I think it would have been easier for D if the question had been "5 years that I know the lyrics of MOST of the songs"

Posted by: DH at July 29, 2005 06:05 PM

The hat is far from boring. I love the colors and you are doing an amazing job on it. I enjoy seeing the progress you are making. Soon you will be celebrating it's completion.

Posted by: wool winder at July 30, 2005 12:45 AM

Love the hat! Your branching out is farther along than mine, believe me! I get about one pattern repeat in a day, if I'm lucky. Darn thing will never get finished at this rate!! :)

Posted by: Lisa in Oregon at July 30, 2005 02:52 AM