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July 27, 2005

Renada from Nada J Knits tagged me for a meme about Idiosyncrasies. Yeah, I have a few.

Pronunciation Key
n. pl. id·i·o·syn·cra·sies
A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.

Write down five of your own personal idiosyncrasies.

My idiosyncrasies are a bit of an ongoing joke around here. Whenever I do something stupid (which happens on a regular basis), I remind DH that he loves me because of my idiosyncrasies.

Mind you, coming up with 5 to put here hasn't been easy.

1. I have to have the blankets straight at night.
Yes, while I'm in the bed. I can't stand crumpled blankets. I smooth the quilt out when I get into bed. And it has to cover the whole bed, neatly. Lately, we've had an extra blanket thrown over the bed, and that has to lay neatly and straight too. DH takes great pleasure in folding a corner back or uncovering part of the bed to drive me insane.

2. I sew barefoot.
I can't operate the sewing machine with shoes on. I can't stand not being able to feel the pedal. So at most, I wear a pair of socks.

3. I hang the washing out with matching pegs.
If I'm hanging out a shirt or something that needs two pegs, they have to match. eg. they have to be 2 red ones, or 2 blue ones. I can't have a blue peg and a red peg together.

4. I hate waiting.
More so than is normal. I hate queues. I hate traffic. I hate red lights. To the point that I say I have a Red Light Elf, who goes ahead of me in traffic, sending lights red, just to aggravate me. I hate sitting at school waiting for Em in the afternoon. I hate waiting for Em to get ready in the morning. I hate to be late. I hate waiting for something I've ordered to arrive. Waiting and time wasting infuriates me. Seriously. And Em is a slow, laid back person. no wonder we fight ;)

5. I cannot sit still and do nothing.
Can't just watch TV, Have to be knitting or sewing, or blogging or surfing. I can't lay in the bath for hours. This is probably connected to the time wasting above. I seriously never have enough hours in a day. I can't even just talk on the telephone. If I'm on the phone, I'm doodling, or folding washing or playing solitaire. My mother says I need to learn to relax.
Pfft. Who has the time??

This was seriously hard. There were a few that were bandied about that I decided the whole of blogland didn't need to know about ;)

Posted by Donna at July 27, 2005 06:50 PM


Very funny. I can relate to the matching peg thing. You should go back to wood. :)

Posted by: Kathleen at July 27, 2005 10:28 PM

After reading these Memes, I am starting to think most knitters are a little obsessive compulsive (including me) but hey is that a bad thing? ;)

Posted by: Lisa at July 28, 2005 01:02 AM

What if you're in the bath with a book? Is that enough "doing"?

Posted by: Evelyn at July 28, 2005 03:37 AM

Hey--I'm suprised you don't knit while waiting for Em. Oh, and the pegs are supposed to match!! You'd have to be crazy to put them up all willy-nilly...hmm..yes, us knitters are a bit compulsive, I'd say.

Posted by: Renada at July 28, 2005 04:04 AM

You have been tagged. See the questions on my post "tagged by Stripey Tiger", The tag questions are "what were you doing" 10 years ago, 5 years. today etc.

Posted by: Annie at July 28, 2005 01:22 PM

And don't forget the socks have to be hung in pairs and all together on the line. Not one here, one there as the woman next door does. And preferably with pegs matching the socks.

Posted by: Jan at July 28, 2005 03:30 PM

I read that we may see you and Em at snb in Wollongong on Saturday?? It will be great to meet you! Hope you dont get too many red lights on the way! :-) Stripey

Posted by: the stripey tiger at July 28, 2005 07:16 PM