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June 16, 2004

Not a great deal of

Not a great deal of knitting today - well not as much as I would've liked.
I may have mentioned that I am sewing some dance costumes for Em's dance school's end of year concert. Yeah, some. 98.
Ninety eight dance costumes by the first week of November. Well, I've actually done around 25, 5 more half done. This is having a serious impact on my knitting time. And my housework, cooking, errand and all other unimportant things. Gotta get those priorities right. But it does help pay for Em's dance lessons in a huge way, which makes more money available for knitting.
Every cloud has a Koigu lining.
Emily also competes in solos, and needs a fully sequinned leotard by August. Was supposed to be mid-July, but I got her out of that one (phew!) I've done maybe an eighth of it.
Maybe she can wear Luanne with Charlotte instead - then I'd have a good excuse to knit instead of sew ;)

Posted by Donna at June 16, 2004 11:19 PM